Gene's Journal
Posts Tagged ‘contra’

Unlock The Gene Roddenberry & Bill Shanter Interview

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009

Located within this Website about the young life of Gene Roddenberry is a secret and rare interview between Gene Roddenberry and Bill Shatner. It’s an excerpt from the 1976 LP “Inside Star Trek,” which is a look at the development of the television phenomenon Star Trek and the story of Gene Roddenberry himself, his dreams and his difficulties.

The clip is called “William Shatner meets Captain Kirk” and can be activated by putting in a classic gamers code called “The Konami Code,” also referred to as “The Kontra Code.” To activate it, enter the following on your keyboard: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A, ENTER

Once that code is entered, the screen will go dark, a retro radio will appear and promptly an introduction will begin by Rod Roddenberry congratulating you on cracking our code. Following that is the interview which runs approximately 8 minutes long between Gene Roddenberry & Bill Shatner.